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HTML Total video Tutorial Support [ In Bengali ]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:16 pm
by kp
Dear members you are now going to learn about HTML with Bangla Video Tutorial which is supported by ITNEXT & powered by TMT Team.
This Tutorial support may help you to learn whole HTML script to develop any kind of web via HTML.
So why so late , lets see and enjoy the whole tutorial to modify or enlarge your HTML knowledge.
HTML Total video Tutorial Support [ In Bengali ]

Follow every step's Part Title to get the tutorial video finally.

Title-About Internet & web
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Title-Basic HTML intro
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Title-Structure,Heading and break tag
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Title-Text formatting
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Title-Discuss on header section
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Title-Bodytag (bgcolor,background,text,topmargin,leftmargin,alink,vlink,a,link)
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Title-Uses of list
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Title-Font size,color,face
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Title-HyperLink,Project 1
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Title-Special Effects
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Title-Web graphics
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Title-Web graphics+project 2
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Title-Web graphics phase 02
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Title-Uses of table by small project
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Title-Contiune from 14
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Title-Project 3
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Title-Uses of Frame
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Title-continue from 17
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Title-Uses of Inline Frame
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Title-Uses of Form
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Title-Continue from 20
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Title-Introduction vbscript
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Title-Introduction to javascript
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Title-Uses of special character
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Title-Introduction to CSS
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Title-Bonus project
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Title-Use of HTML editor software
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HTML Total video Tutorial Support [ In Bengali ]

Re: HTML Total video Tutorial Support [ In Bengali ]

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:45 am
by bee40875
i am searching that kind of support during long last i got that...thanks techmediatune family :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Re: HTML Total video Tutorial Support [ In Bengali ]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:13 pm
by pr1nc3
Bro. It isn't working ~x( After click "skip add" They are moving into watch free movie bla bla o.o Please Help bro :)

Re: HTML Total video Tutorial Support [ In Bengali ]

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:06 am
by kp
The post have old formate thats why you are redirecting to url shrinking site. The post will update soon with the proper material once again in new formate.Till then u have to wait .......